In this prayer we express our gratitude that "Thou, Oh G‑d, hast chosen us from all peoples; Thou hast loved us and taken pleasure in us and hast exalted us above all tongues (nations), and hast sanctified us by Thy commandments, and hast brought us near Thy service, Oh, our King and by Thy great and holy name hast Thy great and holy name hast Thou called us."
The melody for this text is composed of two distinct, yet related melodies. The full text of the prayer is sung with the first melody and then repeated with the second melody.
The soft, tranquil tones at the beginning express the unburdened way of life of the Tzadik (righteous one), who lives a full existence in the hallowed service of the Al-mighty, governed by a serene moral sense and spiritual satisfaction.
In contrast, the stormy, raging tones of the second melody express the deep feelings of remorse of the Baal Teshuva, the repentant one, who stormily casts off the shackles of hes previous erring mode of living, and grasps the rungs of the Sulam Elokim (Heavenly Ladder) with all his might, thereby transcending into boundless ecstasy.
Therefore, he repeats each phrase of the melody. The Ba'al Teshuva is not inseparable from his new modus vivendi and strives to solidify and strengthen his bonds with the Almighty. The melody has no final ending, just as the Ba'al Teshuva is never content and seeks to go higher and higher in his perpetual striving for spiritual perfection.
It was the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory’s, custom, following the Hakofot on the holiday of Simchat Torah, to teach a new melody or to revive and old one, which the Chassidim then sing with spiritual fervor at gatherings through the year. On the holiday of Simchat Torah 1960 he introduced "Ato V'chartonu."
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